• Formation et coaching spécialisé
    UC eco-system

    for VO professionals

    NOVA MS is a French company based in Metz, created in 2010 by Gilles AUBRY, its director. Our firm is an authorized training organization which offers consulting and coaching services for the UC eco-system.
    Discover our offers
  • Business expertise

    specialized VO

    Equipped with a team of expert trainers and coaches, specialists in the VO business, they all have solid experience in managing an automotive profit center.
    Our skills and expertise help you meet your strategic challenges of growth, profitability and/or transformation.
    Discover our offers
  • My new challenges
    of the VO market

    acquire new markets

    We can also help you prepare for the new challenges of the VO market, to enable you to achieve excellence in your results. We support you in increasing the skills of your teams thanks to our “co-pilot” method.
    Discover our offers


Training solutions
Our face-to-face and/or remote training courses are tailor-made to meet the needs and requirements of our customers.
They are intended to be interactive and collaborative with role-playing, retex and concrete cases.
Coaching solutions
We support our clients to define and implement operational action plans. Ensure with them the monitoring of performance and customer satisfaction management indicators to carry out corrective actions in the field.
Tailor-made solutions
We are constantly listening to our customers' needs so that we can build a clear strategy with them and for them, one that is rapidly operational, facilitates decision-making and leads to convincing results.

2024: 'NOVA Academy'

become an operational VO sales advisor

Contact us
For 2023
100+ sellers 
and trained managers
Satisfaction rate
60% training
custom made
93.25% rate
Partenaires de Nova-msPartenaires de Nova-ms
Our training content complies with international standards and is accessible for people with disabilities.